Wildare Church Constitution (June 6,2023)
Article I. Name and Purpose
Section A. The name of the church shall be Wildare Church.
Section B. The Purpose of this church shall be to promote worship of God, proclaim to all the Gospel message of
Salvation through Jesus Christ, and to make disciples through preaching, teaching of the Holy Scriptures,
prayer, fellowship, Christian service, missionary endeavors, outreach ministries and
benevolent causes.
Section C. Guidelines to fulfilling our Purpose
Wildare Church uses the following principles and scriptures as guidelines in fulfilling their Purpose:
1. Praying – I Thes 5:15-22; Colossians 4:2-4; Luke 18:1-8
2. Studying the Bible, personally and corporately – Sola Scriptura – in all matters of doctrine and
theology the Bible shall be our final word. All traditions, creeds, and teachings shall be in agreement
with the teachings of the Bible, the divinely inspired Word of God. (II Tim. 3:16)
3. Giving of Thanks – Ephesians 5:18-21
4. Worshipping – I Timothy 2:8
5. Evangelizing – Matthew 28:19-20
Section D. Wildare Church shall be self-governed and self-supporting. It shall be known as Independent and Non-
denominational in all affairs. The church shall be accountable to the congregation in all decisions regarding the
welfare of the church and changes of church property, whether they be real estate or otherwise. Wildare Church
shall be under the spiritual guidance of our leaders who are the overseers of the church. I Peter 5:1-4
Section E. Wildare Church shall recognize marriage as being only between a man and a woman as stated in Mark 10:6-9.
Section F. The Mission Statement of Wildare Church shall be “Love God, love people, make disciples.”
Article II. Covenant
We the people of Wildare Church, being led by the Holy Spirit, in the presence of God Almighty and His Son
Jesus Christ our Savior, do joyfully and seriously come to covenant with one another to unite as one Body, to
walk in all the Word of God, that is, the Holy Bible and the teachings of Jesus, to work together in the bonds of
peace and the love of God, forsaking all sin and temptation, that we might glorify God with all our words and
deeds, encouraging one another in the faith and leading others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ for the sake
of God’s kingdom. We humbly bow now and ask God’s guidance and blessing on our entire congregation this
first day of July, in the year of our Lord, two thousand twenty three.
Article III. Membership
Section A. A person who complies with the plan of salvation, as written in the New Testament, shall be entitled to
become a member of this congregation by:
1. Hearing the Word – Romans 10:17
2. Repenting – Acts 17:30
3. Confessing – Romans 10:9-10
4. Being baptized – Acts 2:38-39; Romans 6:4-5
5. Following the teachings of Jesus – Revelations 14:12
6. Being an active participant in the church – Hebrews 10:23-25
7. Attending a class with the pastor or a Lay Leader. Prospective members shall read the Wildare Constitution
and sign it. The signature page shall be kept on file by the Church Secretary.
Section B. A membership transfer letter from another church may be accepted:
1. When the requirements of Section A have been fulfilled.
2. The individual will then participate in a membership commitment service before the congregation.
Section C. The following privileges and responsibilities shall be extended to members:
1. A member is encouraged and expected to give of his/her time, talents, and treasures to help fulfill the mission
of the church, and volunteer to serve where needed, to carry on the ministries of Wildare Church.
2. A member shall be faithful to attend services, promote church programs, and look after one another in a Christ-
like manner.
Article IV. Governance of the Church
Section A. Governing Bodies
1. Wildare Church shall consist of an Administrative Board which shall conduct the business of the church and
oversee the Committees and Ministries of the church.
2. The Staff Parish Relations Committee shall focus on the role and work of the Pastor and Staff as they carry
out their leadership responsibilities.
3. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees to fill the various offices, chairs of ministry and
Section B. The Treasurer and Finance Committee shall receive all monies and pay necessary expenses.
Section C. The Trustees shall care for and maintain the church properties.
Section D. It is suggested that an individual be a member of Wildare Church for a period of approximately one year prior
to being appointed to a voting seat.
Section F. Misconduct of Board/Committee Members
Wildare Church will not tolerate, accept, ordain or send out as leader in any capacity, a person who is living
contrary to Scripture including but not limited to the sins defined in Romans 1:18-32 and I Cor. 6:9-11.
Article V. The Nominating Committee and the Annual Business Meeting
Section A. Terms of office for members of the Nominating Committee.
1. The Nominating Committee shall be comprised of six elected members.
2. Members of the Nominating Committee shall be divided into 3 classes of two persons each. One class shall be
elected each year for a 3-year term.
3. Nominees for the Nominating Committee shall be added to the slate of officers and other nominees at the
Annual Business Meeting by the Administrative Board Chairperson.
Section B. Duties of the Nominating Committee
1. The Nominating Committee shall provide a list of ministries for church
congregants to indicate committees where they might like to serve.
2. The Nominating Committee shall meet to select nominees from the congregation to serve on the
Administrative Board and other committees of ministry as necessary.
3. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees to be presented annually to the Administrative
Board in October.
Section C. Annual Church Business Meeting
1. Wildare Church shall convene a congregational meeting each year in November. The Administrative Board
chairperson shall conduct the meeting.
2. The purpose of the Annual Business Meeting shall be to approve the slate of officers and chairpersons for the
coming year.
3. All Wildare Church members are welcome to attend this meeting and shall be entitled to vote.
4. The Administrative Board may call an emergency business meeting at any time in order to fill a vacancy.
Section D. Positions for Election
1. Officers: Administrative Board Chair, SPR Chair and members, Trustee Chair and members, Treasurer,
Finance Chair and Finance Committee members, Lay Leaders and Members at-Large.
2. Ministry Chairpersons: Worship, Missions, Facilities Usage, Food Pantry, Prayer Chain, Evangelism,
Christian Education, Nuture and Care and others as needed.
Article VI. The Administrative Board
Section A. The Administrative Board shall be comprised of the Admin Board Chairperson, Recording Secretary, SPR
Chair, Finance Chair, Treasurer, Trustee Chair, Lay Leader(s), Member(s) At Large, and various Ministry
committee chairpersons of Wildare Church.
Section B. The Administrative Board Chairperson shall be elected in the annual election of officers, known as the
Annual Business Meeting.
Section C. The Constitution shall be read and reviewed at the January Administrative Board meeting.
Section D. The Administrative Board shall meet monthly. A majority of seven Admin Board members shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Members are to promote Christian unity and come together to
conduct the business of the church, express any concerns involving members of the church, and to discuss and act
upon the ministries of the church.
Section E. Non-church members may serve as Youth Leaders, Sunday School teachers, or in any other ministry or
capacity of the Wildare Church, but must be approved by the Administrative Board.
Section F. All incoming board members are required to read the Constitution. The member shall sign the signature page
and return it to the Chair.
Section G. Terms of office shall run from January 1 to December 31. Members may be reappointed as needed.
Section H. All Board and Committee members are expected be in regular attendance at the worship services as well as
monthly board meetings.
Section I. Office holders shall be required to submit a written letter of resignation to the Administrative Chair upon
leaving office before completion of term. The Chair shall present the letter at the next regular Administrative
Board meeting. If an office holder has been deemed unfaithful to the position by undue absence or misconduct,
the Board may fill the position.
Article VII. Staff Parish Relations Committee
Section A. The SPR shall consist of 9 church members, none of which may be relatives of the Pastor. Membership of
this committee shall be divided into 3 classes of 3 members each. One class shall be elected each year for a 3-
year term.
Section B. The SPR shall meet at least quarterly to determine if the church staff have been fulfilling their duties and
should continue serving in their appointed position. If it is determined that they are not fulfilling the commitment
of their office, they shall be subject to removal.
Section C. Selecting Staff Persons for Administrative Board Approval
1. The SPR Board shall interview and recommend paid staff for hiring.
2. The SPR shall provide names of candidates to the Administrative Chair.
3. The Administrative Board shall vote to appoint the necessary staff.
Section D. Vacancies in any Office
Vacancies in any staff office (ie. Pastor, Church Secretary or other deemed necessary, such as Children’s
Ministry), shall be filled by the SPR through the normal process described above. The SPR shall submit new
hires to the Administrative Chair as necessary. The Administrative Chair shall present the candidate for
approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Section E. Other Duties of the SPR
1. The SPR Board shall encourage, strengthen, support and respect the pastor and staff.
2. The SPR shall deal with any and all issues among pastor, staff and any other personnel.
3. The SPR shall interview, nominate and review the pastor and paid staff which shall be included in a report to
the Administrative Board.
4. The SPR shall meet at least quarterly and the chairperson shall attend the monthly Administrative Board
meetings to report SPR activity.
5. The SPR shall encourage and accept comments from the congregation regarding church activities and
ministries. Congregants may attend SPR meetings to express sentiments.
6. The SPR, in the absence of a pastor, shall be responsible to fill the pulpit or obtain pulpit supply from
ministers inside or outside the congregation who are in good standing.
Article VIII. Committees (Ministries)
Section A. Selecting Committee Chairpersons
1. The Nominating Committee shall have the duty of obtaining the names of church members to fill the various
positions in the church. The Committee shall contact each candidate to obtain consent to be elected before the
October Administrative Board meeting.
2. The Nominating Committee shall provide names for the various Committee Chairs (ministries) to the
Administrative Board in October.
3. At the November Business Meeting, the Administrative Chair shall present the slate of nominees to be
4. At the November Business Meeting, the Congregation shall vote to approve the chairpersons of the various
5. The chairperson of each committee shall select other members to form that committee (except for SPR,
Finance and Maintenance).
Section B. The committees shall meet shortly after the chairperson assumes office. They shall meet thereafter on a regular
date selected by them, and the proceedings of the meetings shall be prepared in written form and shall be
presented at the next regular meeting of the Administrative Board. A Report shall contain the yearly goals of the
Article IX. Trustees and Maintenance Committee
Section A. The Trustees shall care for and maintain the church properties.
Section B. There shall be no more than nine trustees including the chair.
Section C. Trustees shall be nominated and elected in November. The membership of this committee shall be divided
into 3 classes of 3 members each. One class shall be elected each year for a 3-year term.
Section D. The trustee chair shall attend the monthly Administrative Board meetings and submit the trustees’ report.
Section E. The Trustees Committee shall have general oversight of church property and make repairs as necessary for the
maintenance of the buildings, grounds, and equipment.
Section F. The Trustees Committee shall recommend individuals to the Administrative Board for employment that is
necessary for the maintenance and upkeep of the church.
Section G. The Trustees Committee shall hold the titles of all church property, as required by the laws of the State of
Ohio, and all documents connected with church property, including insurance policies, and is responsible for safe
keeping of the same.
Section H. The Trustees Committee shall oversee the church custodian.
Article X. The Treasurer and the Finance Committee
Section A. The Finance Committee shall consist of no more than 6 members including the Chairperson and the
Section B. The Finance Committee shall receive all monies and shall deposit all monies in the bank designated by the
Administrative Board.
Section C. The Treasurer shall keep a record of and pay all bills as required and shall balance the bank statement
Section D. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer shall be authorized to assume the duties of the
Section E. The Finance Committee shall meet annually in October to establish a budget for the ensuing year for the
operation of the church.
Section F. The Finance Committee shall be responsible for making sure the annual audit of the church business accounts
are completed.
Section G. There shall be a yearend audit of all financial books each year by the auditor or a person with appropriate
accounting skills. The audit shall be reviewed by the Administrative Board at the March meeting of that year.
Section H. The Treasurer shall be bonded.
Section I. If any committee wishes to exceed their budget allocation, the Administrative Board must be notified and must
provide prior approval of such spending.
Section J. The Treasurer and Finance Committee chair shall attend the monthly Administrative Board meetings and
submit their respective reports.
Section K. The Finance Committee shall appoint a finance committee secretary and counters as necessary to count
and deposit any and all monies received by the church. The secretary shall prepare a report weekly
and provide it to the Treasurer and the church Secretary.
Article XI. Compensation
Section A. No member of the Wildare Church shall be compensated for serving in any position, unless the Administrative
Board establishes that position as a paid position.
Section B. The Administrative Board has the discretion to compensate individuals providing services to the church.
Article XII. Security
Section A. A member of the church shall be appointed as head of security by the Administrative Board. He/She shall
be responsible for:
1. Security during worship services
2. Training security personnel (assistants as needed – must be trained)
3. Maintaining necessary policies and procedures
Article XIII. Lay Leader(s)
Section A. Wildare Church shall have a Lay Leader(s) to work with and assist the pastor in the mission and vision of the
Section B. The Lay Leader shall work with the congregation, pastor, administrative board and ministry teams to provide
leadership and coordination among all.
Section C. The Lay Leader shall provide spiritual leadership and assist in leading worship.
Section D. The Lay Leader shall attend Administrative Board meetings and serve ex officio on all committees and
meetings of the church.
Section E. The Nominating Committee shall select nominees for this position to be submitted to the Administrative Board
for the slate to be elected annually at the November Business Meeting.
Section F. The Nominating Committee shall consider I Timothy 3:1-7 and I Peter 5:1-4 as the scriptural standards for this
Article XIV. Elders
Section A. At its discretion Wildare Church may call members to serve as Elders to assist the Pastor in the ministry of
shepherding the congregation.
Section B. Elders should be longstanding members, of good reputation, above reproach, with a knowledge of the
scriptures, welcoming and able to pray.
Section C. Elders shall be nominated, as needed, by the Nominating Committee and be elected at the November Business
Meeting. Their term shall be for one year.
Section D. Elders are not members of the Administrative Board, but shall answer to the Pastor as to their duties.
Article XV. Members at-Large
Section A. Wildare Church shall have a Member(s) at-Large so that congregants who are not committee chairpersons
may have the opportunity to serve on the Administrative Board.
Section B. Members at-Large shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected annually at the November
Business Meeting. They shall serve for one year.
Article XVI. Pastor
Section A. A Pastor shall be sought and interviewed by the SPR Committee. The candidate shall be submitted to the
Administrative Board for approval and hiring. The Candidate shall meet the following requirements:
1. Submit a resume with references.
2. Be interviewed by the SPR Board.
3. Submit to a background check.
4. Preach to the congregation on at least two separate occasions, provide opportunity to meet with family and
answer questions from the congregation.
5. Express a testimony of salvation and a call to preach.
6. As a final step in selecting a candidate as Pastor, the congregation shall be notified at least 2 weeks prior to the
member vote.
7. Be approved by 2/3 vote of the congregation members.
8. Be presented to the congregation and prayed over by the members.
Section B. Responsibilities of the Pastor
1. The Pastor shall read the Wildare Church Constitution, sign the signature page and agree to abide by it fully.
2. The Pastor shall act as an overseer of the church and shall comply with the scriptural description of overseer in
I Timothy 2 and 3.
3. The Pastor shall prepare and preach biblical messages based on the Entire Bible as expressed in II Timothy
4. Visit the sick and shut-ins as needed.
5. Participate in the ministries of the church.
6. Lead the church spiritually in ministry and direction.
7. Conduct funerals, weddings, baptisms, membership orientation & confirmations and serve communion.
8. Attend monthly Administrative Board meetings and present the Pastor’s report.
9. Plan worship services.
10. Shall meet annually with the SPR for a review.
Section C. Salary
1. The pastor’s salary and compensation package shall be determined at the time of hiring by the SPR.
2. The SPR shall submit a report of the salary and compensation package to the Treasurer for the Treasurer’s
Section D. In September of each year the SPR Committee shall meet with the pastor for a performance evaluation. At
this meeting the pastor and the SPR will discuss the pastor’s ministry, and possible items of recognition and
Section E. At the yearly evaluation with the SPR Committee, the pastor’s salary shall be discussed and set for the
coming year.
Section F. The SPR shall be responsible for releasing and/or dismissing the pastor of the church. A dismissal shall be
approved by the Administrative Board and shall require a congregational vote of 2/3.
Article XVII. Background Checks
Section A. All teachers, custodians, committee members, or any other person involved in the operation of the church shall
be subject to a background check paid for by the church with no exceptions. If any person refuses to be checked,
he shall forfeit the right to serve in Wildare Church.
Article XVIII. Misconduct (of Staff)
If it is brought to the attention of the SPR Committee that a staff member serving in any capacity has committed
an act that is contrary to Scripture, the committee shall complete an investigation. If the allegation is found to be true, the
individual shall be removed from the his/her position. The SPR Committee members shall do all they can to
restore this person as instructed in Galatians 6:1-5. All proceedings in this matter shall be kept strictly
confidential and handled with care, compassion and prayer. In the case of the removal of the pastor, see Article
XVI, Section F.
Article XIX. Constitution Approval and Amendments
Section A. This constitution shall be submitted to the Administrative Board for approval. It shall then be submitted to
the congregation for vote. Two-thirds of the voting members of the congregation shall approve it.
Section B. This constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the Administrative Board members after it has prayerfully
discussed the necessary issues.