It’s time for a summer camp adventure with God! Explore timeless Bible stories that demonstrate how people trusted God in the face of their own fears and went on to do great things in God’s name.

Wildare Church VBS-June 24th-28th for grades pre-K-6th grade. Registration forms coming soon.

Please contact Barb at wildarebw@gmail.com for more information.

Please click here to register


VBS is approaching quickly. Please register your child as soon as you can. This will help us know how many t-shirts to order.

Please register using this link. https://forms.office.com/r/ZMje2jKbFi



Adults, if you are planning on helping out at VBS email Barb with your shirt size if you have not already done so. There will only be t-shirts for the adults who reserve them. We are trying to cut down on costs.